At Prince Regent Street Trust, we recognise that every school serves a unique community and that every pupil is a unique individual; as a result, a bespoke, aspirational, effective and sustainable approach to school improvement is required. We recognise the unique qualities of each individual school and the importance of autonomy.
Our School Improvement Strategy centres on our core themes of excellence, opportunity and partnerships. We have identified a set of school improvement fundamentals; those areas which have been proven to positively impact on strategic school improvement and which result in success and sustainability at both MAT and individual school level.
In partnership with our schools, we have identified the key fundamentals for educational excellence:
- Vision, Values and Culture – maintaining, strengthening and actively promoting each school’s identity. A unique vision which sets out what our pupils need and deserve from an educational experience.
- Evaluation and Analysis – a rigorous approach to self-evaluation enables our schools to reflect on, celebrate and promote their achievements. As a result good practice, expertise and experience is widely shared. Internal and external monitoring experiences validate and evidence impact.
- Strategic Direction – identifying and strategically addressing the key priorities that will have the most significant impact on our pupils.
- Inspirational Leadership – embedding effective leadership at all levels; leaders who are ambitious, reflective, outward facing, and strive for excellence every day.
- Educational Excellence for all: Teaching, Learning and Assessment – each school has devised a bespoke, broad and balanced curriculum offer that fully meets the needs of pupils of all ages and stages. Teaching and learning is effective, and assessment systems positively impact on practice and provision.
- Quality Assurance and Accountability – our robust systems ensure accountability at all levels. Opportunities, including stringent performance management systems, frequent visits to schools and challenge-centred experiences, ensure high standards are maintained and a culture of accountability is embedded.
- Behaviour and Attitudes – our schools are places where all pupils are kept safe, feel calm and supported, and are able to actively participate and progress. There are clear routines and expectations, and pupils demonstrate positive learning behaviours. There is a shared approach to attendance and punctuality; they are high profile and there is a clear strategy to swiftly address any issues that arise.
- Impact and Outcomes – the majority of our pupils achieve what has been set out for them in all subjects. They have acquired and have remembered the skills, knowledge and understanding intended for them and, as a result, are prepared for the next stage of their education. Statutory and internal outcomes reinforce this view. Validation from external partners (e.g. Ofsted).
We invest in individuals, providing a range of quality, research-based continuing professional development and career-enhancing opportunities. We recognise that effective and strategic leadership at all levels is key to the success of any school and as such, we have created a bespoke programme of development opportunities for governors; senior, middle and curriculum leaders; teaching and non-teaching staff; and pupils. Unique opportunities result in success and sustainability for individuals and schools.
- Creating and growing inspirational and effective leaders – leadership at all levels, including governance, is vital for the success of any school. Access to high quality professional development for leaders, results sustained and continual improvement and develop a workforce in line with future succession planning needs.
- Investment in individuals – we offer and encourage a range of quality continuing professional development and career-enhancing opportunities for all. We are strongly engaged in current research and ensure our leaders and staff well informed of the issues that matter most. Examples include HTB, Peer networks, Working parties, TA Networks, and CPD opportunities for leaders and staff.
- Parents and the school community – our schools effectively engage with parents and carers, and with the wider school community (for example, employers and local services). Parents have frequent opportunities to express their views of the quality of education provided by our school.
- Our pupils – our schools offer a wide range of enriching life experiences which enhance their curriculum offer and develop pupils’ cultural capital. Extra-curricular activities considerably strengthen the school’s offer and pupils’ educational and life experiences. Schools have identified, promote and develop, pupils’ key character traits in preparation for later life.
We firmly believe that effective partnerships between all members of the school community are vital for pupils’ success. Forging strong, trusting relationships between our trust schools, our partner schools and collaboration with a wider community of schools both locally and nationally, ensures that experiences and expertise are shared and drive improvement. Partnerships built on support and challenge are key to raising standards and ensure the best possible education and outcomes for pupils.
- Trust wide partnerships – forging positive relationships between our trust schools will ensure that experiences and expertise are shared and drive improvement. Partnerships built on support and challenge are key to raising standards and to ensuring the best possible education for pupils. Colleagues are proud to be part of our family of schools and feel a sense of belonging, are key to our success.
- Partner schools – as a growth-focused organisation we appreciate the importance of working collaboratively with a wider community of ‘partner schools’. We learn from one another, overcome barriers and continue to jointly and collaboratively strive for excellence.
- Wider school communities – we are open and outward facing and, as a result, actively seek out opportunities to work in partnership with schools and organisations at both local and national level. This includes local authorities, multi-academy trusts and independent providers. We aim to secure the highest quality services and providers for our pupils and staff.
We have created a comprehensive universal school improvement offer for our schools, in consultation with senior leaders and staff. The offer consists of support and challenge-focused opportunities and is designed to promote, and to achieve, educational excellence; to encourage all members of our school communities to work in partnership and to provide a range of quality professional development and career-enhancing opportunities for our staff.
As well as trust-wide opportunities, each school receives a bespoke school improvement offer which centres on the priorities identified in the school development plan (SDP). In consultation with the DSI, a programme of support, challenge and opportunities is devised to ensure the priorities are swiftly addressed.