Village Primary School

At Village, our school motto is ‘Explore, Dream, Discover. This demonstrates our love of learning and our belief that children should explore new concepts, objects, ideas in a variety of hands-on ways. We have high aspirations and encourage our children to work towards any career goal that they set their mind towards. This motto runs throughout our curriculum and delivery of subjects.  Our challenge is to achieve awe and wonder through new learning with a passion for lifelong development.  Our children enjoy an engaging curriculum filled with real-life experiences which foster independence, collaboration and a determination to succeed. It is our job to help children become ready for the next phase in their education, equipped for the 21st century and the global world that we occupy. The staff have an in-depth understanding of the needs of the pupils and work co-operatively towards shared goals that always have children at their heart.

Village Primary School, Windsor Road, Thornaby, Stockton on Tees, TS17 8PW
01642 676768