Kader Academy


Kader Academy
Staindrop Drive

e: school.enquiries@kaderacademy.org.uk
t: 01642 286 599
w: kaderacademy.co.uk

Kader Academy is a warm and welcoming school with family at the heart. As our school motto states; One family, Little people, Big dreams. We are a family.  

We are situated in Acklam Middlesbrough in the centre of a beautiful green belt. We are proud of all of our children, our staff and our local community and we celebrate our diversity as a main strength. We are ethnically diverse, supporting children with a range of 25 different languages. The needs of our pupils and their families therefore sits within a broad and diverse spectrum and as a result our children arrive at Kader with varying degrees of starting points, life experiences/skills and expectations. Developing the whole child is at the centre of all of our decision making, impacting our curriculum provision and is the heart of our school vision… 

Kader Academy aims to develop little people who feel safe and happy. We want them to develop a strong sense of pride, not only in themselves, but in their local area and its heritage. We value the importance of strong relationships with our families and our sense of community is at the heart of all we do. We know that our diversity is our strength and we will strive to ensure that the children’s compassion and kindness makes the world a better place. We will inspire curiosity through engaging experiences that promote a profound love of learning. We want them to know that their learning knows no bounds and with self-belief and determination, anything is possible. 

Both pupils and staff feel happy here. We are lucky to have this strong, stable, loyal community in which we can all thrive. Our dedicated staff all provide the essential ingredients needed to make our school what it is today. They provide the depth and breadth – offering a range of experience, expertise and personality. We are united in our commitment to our pupils and each other. We bring out the best in one another: cut us in half and we are purple! 

Our curriculum is centred around our school vision above and our aims which permeate all we do:

Kindness, Ambition, Determination, Excellence and Respect. 

Our family ethos, our links between home and school and other settings ensure that our children are well cared for and fully prepared for the next step in their life’s pathway. We take our children on a unique educational journey at Kader and are proud of what we achieve for our children. Progress is paramount and results consistently demonstrate excellence in both progress and attainment. Through a culture of growth mindset, children demonstrate their resilience, determination and perseverance to overcome challenges and strive for the very best outcome. Every child feels empowered and successful at Kader. Children embrace and enjoy the challenges offered to them, showing their independence and self-motivation. They have the metacognitive tools to be effective and reflective learners. 

Behaviour at Kader is exemplary, children feel valued, listened to, loved and respected, knowing what is expected of them and how to achieve this. All children at Kader matter, our inclusive offer is exceptional and developing unique individuals who thrive is key. As Ofsted noted in May 2022: ‘Kader Academy is a happy place. Pupils’ pride in their school shines through. It is unmistakable. Pupils say everyone is treated the same and that no one is more special than anyone else.